French Language Course in Paris for Expats - Resources to Learn French in France

Optimisez votre apprentissage du français grâce à notre blog spécialisé en FLE

Les enseignants pourront aussi agrémenter leurs cours de français langue étrangère (FLE) à Paris

Découvrez du vocabulaire et des expressions françaises contemporaines, révisez certains points de grammaire, préparez les examens du DELF, DALF ou TCF ou entraînez-vous à faire des exercices de phonétique et de compréhension orale

French aspirated "H" - Master the rules of French phonetics

Sound More French: How to Master the Aspirated « H »

French pronunciation is full of subtleties, and one of the trickiest concepts for learners is the aspirated « h » (h aspiré) Unlike the silent « h » (h muet), which allows liaison and elision, the aspirated ‘h’ behaves like a consonant and prevents…

French reflexive verbs - How to use them efficiently

Mastering French Reflexive Verbs: A Game-Changer for Your Fluency!

If you’ve ever wondered why French speakers say “Je me lève” instead of just “Je lève,” or why they use “s’appeler” instead of just “appeler,” you’re about to unlock a key element of the language: reflexive verbs! Mastering them can…

The 2024 Summer Olympics

The Language of Champions: Key Olympic Terms for Paris 2024

As the Olympic Games approach, athletes and fans alike are gearing up with excitement. Let’s explore some key French Olympic terms and expressions that capture the spirit of the Games! 1. « Être au taquet » (To be at full throttle) This…

passé composé et imparfait

Passé composé and imparfait

This French lesson will teach you the difference between passé composé and imparfait in French Passé composé and imparfait cannot translate literally from English The imparfait describes what was happening all around you (including you), the background. Also it refers…

Bien vs bon in French

Difference between bon and bien in French

What is the difference between bon vs bien in French? Which word should we use? Learn the difference in this online French grammar refresher course.
French alphabet

French Phonetic Alphabet: How to Perfect Your Pronunciation Practice

LEARN HOW TO PRONOUNCE THE WORDS WITH THE FRENCH PHONETIC ALPHABET The French Phonetic Alphabet consists of 37 Sounds Linguists and dictionaries use the International Phonetic Alphabet, or IPA, a standardized alphabet or system for phonetic notation. The IPA symbols below…

Café de Flore in Paris

French courses for adults in Paris

Enhance your visit to France with our private French courses for adults in Paris. Learn to speak confidently and to handle everyday situations. Experience Paris like a local with lessons in Saint-Germain-des-Prés, Montparnasse and the Latin Quarter.
Pont-Neuf bridge in Paris

Où étudier le français à Paris ?

Vous souhaitez étudier le français à Paris ? Que vous souhaitiez séjourner près de St-Germain des prés, du Marais ou du romantique quartier de Montmartre, ce guide vous aidera à choisir où étudier le français à Paris et à mieux…

French Proficiency Test Online

A Useful Grid for Self-Evaluation

Test your level with this precise French proficiency test. This assessment contains six levels of French fluency, from beginner to proficient language learner.
Bandes de Filles film français

The Best French Movies About Race That You Need to Watch

As large protests have occurred in response to the killing of George Floyd, there is heightened public awareness about racial discrimination and inequality, not only in the United States but also in France In a time when many of us…

Reading Books in Paris

My All-Time Favorite French Novels for Intermediate Learners

Some of our favorite books to learn French at the intermediate level Are you looking for the perfect French book to read at intermediate level? Here are some of our much loved French novels for intermediate learners and francophiles. Stupeurs…

Café des Deux Moulins, Paris

Amélie’s Most Picturesque Filming Locations in Paris

Amélie is a poetic French movie released in 2001, directed by Jean-Pierre Jeunet « Le Fabuleux Destin d’Amélie Poulain », which is set in the district of Montmartre, is a poetic depiction of contemporary Parisian life It tells the story of a…

French Lesson Online on Skype

Tips for Sucessfully Teaching French Online via Skype

How to ensure that your first online French lessons go well Whether you are an experienced Skype teacher or about to undertake your very first French lesson online, you want to make a positive impression on your audience The purpose…

Café et croissant in France

The Meanings of the French Subject Pronoun On

The French pronoun On generally meansWe in English. However, it can also refer to one, people, you, they, he or she, and even I. Therefore, it is not easy to understand how to use this pronoun and to translate it…

The Hookup Plan Covid Episode

The Best TV Series for Learning French

An enjoyable way to learn a foreign language consists of watching TV series. But how can television shows help you learn French? As a language instructor, I have been using TV series and films in my French classes for a…

French audiovisual resources

Des exercices de phonétique pour la prononciation du français

Des exercices de phonétique pour la prononciation du français Le site Phonétique s’adresse aux personnes qui souhaitent apprendre le français mais peut également être utilisé par des francophones Cet outil pour la prononciation du français propose des présentations sonores de…

Business French Lessons for Professionals Online or Paris

Master Business French to Boost your Professional Career

You’ve reached a good level of fluency in French and you know many expressions However, you are working with French-speaking colleagues and clients in Paris or elsewhere, and you need to quickly master Business French Here are some useful tips…

French greetings to say hello

Practical French Greetings for a Warm Hello

Mastering French: Ways to Express French Greetings and Gratitude Typical French Greetings: Bonjour : hello, good day, hi Most of you know the formal expression « bonjour », and you should since it’s the most common way to greet someone in French. We…

French words used in english

French Words Used in English

10 French Words That You’ve Seen Before… in English Over the years, the English language has borrowed a great number of French words and expressions. Some of this vocabulary has been so completely absorbed by English that speakers might not realize…

Application apprendre de TV5 monde

The Best Apps to Study French Online

What are the best apps to study French online? If you have a smartphone, you can learn French online with podcasts, short videos, and songs. And let’s not forget – mobile applications! But you might be thinking, which apps should…

French film La Haine - Best Movies for French Learners

Best Movies for French Learners

Discover the Most Engaging Movies to Learn French Whether you want to learn more about the culture, improve your grammar, vocabulary or pronunciation or simply have a good time, these popular French movies are perfect for you! 1. Le fabuleux…

Let's talk in French

How to use qui and que in French

As a private French tutor, I noticed that many French students are confused with the difference between qui and que Here are some explanations with concrete examples to understand the use of qui and que Grammatical difference between qui and…

French language podcasts

5 Relevant Podcasts to Learn French Online

Podcasts are an easy way to improve your French comprehension and vocabulary skills What are the best French language podcasts to practice your French and make prompt progress? As a French tutor online, I am often asked by language learners…

How to learn french on your own

How to Learn French On Your Own?

How Can I Learn French by Myself? (In Just a Few Months) Here are the tips of an experienced online French tutor to help you learn and practice the French language. 1. Join a French Conversation Group An excellent way…

Jardin des Tuileries, Paris

Tips on how to live in Paris by Robin Denise

Robin Denise shares insights and tips on how to live in Paris I recently had the pleasure to learn more about Robin Denise’s lifestyle blog, Péchés Mignons, and about what she loves the most about life in Paris Like many internationals, Robin…

Notre Dame Cathedral Paris

Strolling the Latin Quarter of Paris: A Perfect Walk on the Left Bank

Ready for a Walk in the Latin Quarter of Paris? This area is home to the atmospheric Saint-Germain-des-Prés quartier and the exquisite Luxembourg Gardens With its world-famous cityscape, deeply rooted intellectual tradition, prestigious history, beautiful architecture, and central location, the…

Individual French classes in Paris

What are the Benefits of Online French Tutoring?

Having trouble learning French? Perhaps you were really excited about taking a foreign language like French when the year began, but now learning it seems more challenging If you’re having a hard time grasping the rules of French, it may…

Brin de muguet

La fête du 1er mai et la tradition du muguet en France

Qu’est-ce que le premier mai ? En France, le 1er mai est un jour férié ; c’est un jour où l’on ne travaille pas. C’est un congé payé depuis 1947. Cette journée internationale des travailleurs ou fête des travailleurs est devenue…

Expression française

Business French Idioms to Use at Work

Working in an office in France can be daunting, especially if you are not familiar with the business French idioms Here are some frequent, informal French expressions to use at work Avoir plusieurs cordes à son arc Literally translated, this…

Robes de Dalida au Palais Galliera, Paris

Apprendre le français de la mode

Ressources pour l’apprentissage du français de la mode La mode française est célèbre dans le monde entier grâce à ses créateurs de génie et ses marques renommées. Apprenez-en davantage sur le prêt-à-porter français, sur la mode et sur la haute…

Envoyez-nous vos suggestions de ressources pédagogiques pour les cours de français langue étrangère (FLE)